Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sent From The Void: Day # 16

Information sent days before has finally been received from The Void..

Okay, so I made this slug a few days ago before I did the animation.

Blogger wouldn't let me upload the photo because I was supposedly infringing a copyright ((even though it's mine, I made it, and I took this screen shot myself )).

I called it mah lil' Sluggie Buggie! x]

Because I think it's freaking adorable.

Anyways, here it is! Ta-da!

Alas... Until next time, mortals..

Sent From The Void: Day # 15

Crucial information has been collected from The Void...

Today, I went on the tutorial created by Mr. Cornell.

I went around and looked at what I was supposed to do again, to refresh my memory.

Of course, this wasn't the only thing I did today.

But I felt this played a significant part because I used it as a reference the most in order to construct the saber.

That's it for now~

Soon, all of this information will be recollected and sent back to The Void..

Sent From The Void: Day # 14

Information from The Void...

Okay, so I just started doing Luke Skywalker's Light Saber from Return of the Jedi.

I have it aligned like the instructions said.

I have it behind the grid and the bottom of the saber sitting on top of the x-axis at 0.

This was all done on Friday when Miss Benton was here subbing for us. I just forgot to blog about it..

Relish this information while you can, foolish mortals... It will soon come to an end and be sent back to The Void..

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sent From The Void: Day # 13

New information has come to us from The Void...

This is my slug and my animation path for my slug. 

I adjusted it to the path and then I added some "flow" to it so it would crawl along smoothly on the path. 

It twists its body when it comes to curves and it adjusts its body along the path so it's actually moving it's body according to the way the path is set up.

I really hope that makes sense because it confuses me. ._.;

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sent From The Void: Day # 12

A new message from The Void...

Today in Digital Evolutions: 3D Graphics and Animation, a chick came into our class and talked to us about an art college in Savannah, Georgia called SCAD. 

SCAD stands for Savannah College of Art and Design. 

After that was over, I couldn't exactly stay focused during class due to my migraine. 

It was too distracting and I couldn't do my work. 

So, yeah, sorry.

This transmission has ended and shall inevitably return to The Void...